Singing Guide: Moses Hogan

Singing Guide: Moses Hogan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Moses Hogan: American Pianist, Conductor, and Arranger of Choral Music

Moses Hogan was an American pianist, conductor, and arranger of choral music. He was renowned for his arrangements of spirituals, gospel music, and jazz. Learning to sing like him requires a good understanding of the African-American Gospel style. Here are some essential aspects to consider:

Emotion and Soul

One of the most critical aspects of Moses Hogan's music was the level of energy, feeling, and soul in his voice. To replicate this, you need to start by focusing on the right emotional context. Start with easy songs, and try to sing them in the correct mood.


Understanding phrasing in gospel music is vital to emulate Moses Hogan's style. Phrasing is how the notes are arranged in a song and how they relate to each other. Songs in the gospel style often contain long phrases that require sustained breath control. Check out some tips on learning phrasing from Singing Carrots.

Vocal Techniques

Moses Hogan used unique vocal techniques that set him apart from other gospel musicians. Moses Hogan frequently employed "call and response" in his music. This traditional technique includes a singer or choir leader setting up a musical phrase, and the group responds by singing. Another essential technique that Moses Hogan used was falsetto. He used falsetto to produce high notes when singing. You can learn more about these techniques on Singing Carrots.


Moses Hogan was excellent at creating vocal harmonies in music. His arrangements contained rich bass lines, tenor parts, alto vocal lines and, occasionally, countermelodies. Harmonization is a difficult skill to learn, but you can begin by studying vocal ranges of famous singers and finding harmonies that compliment your voice.

Moses Hogan Songs

To emulate Moses Hogan's singing style, try incorporating his songs into your practice sessions. Some pieces that showcase his unique vocal technique include:

  • "I Got a Home in-a Dat Rock"
  • "The Battle of Jericho"
  • "Elijah Rock"
  • "I Can Tell the World"
  • "This Little Light of Mine"

Singing Carrots Resources

Make use of Singing Carrots resources to improve your skills and techniques:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.